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"Human beings share two priorities - to be loved and understood."

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Christopher Titmuss, the Buddha Wallah.
Photo September 2023.


A warm welcome to The Buddha Wallah* website.

This website serves as a hub for my body of teachings, practices and initiatives, which include four websites, a Substack post/WordPress blog, Facebook and Linkedin and teaching schedule updates.

You will find more than freely available audio talks, plus Inquiry Sessions/Guided Meditations. There are links to books, essays, photographs, poems, daily life practices, reflections, schedule, teachings,YouTube and more.

The posts/blogs usually consist of around two items per week or more addressing a range of personal, spiritual, social, political, religious, global issues and reflections on the arts. 

I trust you will see many points of interest to give support to your daily life in this journey through the field of existence.



Teaching Schedule 2024

*In case you wondered: During his annual teachings in India, Christopher was affectionately given the moniker 'The Buddha Wallah,' which means in Hindi Buddha Worker.

The Buddha Wallah DVD Cover

The Buddha Wallah.
A 90 minute documentary (2011)

Christopher Titmuss offers a clear and radical approach to the teachings of the Buddha. For three to four decades, he travelled about four continents a year including in areas of political/social crisis. Christopher gives teachings and practises on liberation from suffering.


Filmed between 2008-2010, this 90-minute documentary follows his journeys including England, France, Germany, India, Israel, Palestine, Myanmar and Thailand. The film includes extracts from his teachings/dialogues on retreats, pilgrimages and workshops.


Nshorna (his daughter) and Sonya (a former partner), share their view of his work. Christopher, a Buddhist monk from 1970-1976 in Thailand and India, visits his former monastery in Thailand to pay respect to his dying teacher, Venerable Ajahn Dhammadharo. The documentary films him at home in Totnes, Devon, England with Nshorna and grandchildren.

Christopher also returns to the cave in the hills on Ko Pha Ngan island, off the coast of southern Thailand, where he spent nine months in 1973. He points to happiness, deep values, mindfulness, insight meditation and wise action in our relationship to daily life. Film gives emphasis to the small things in life to make an important contribution to clarity and understanding. His teachings point directly to a liberated way of life to support love and wisdom.


Zinnoberfilm, a leading documentary and award winning filmmaker in Germany, filmed more than 100 hours of his travel. The documentary was made available primarily for international distribution for television.

Director: Dieter Zeppenfeld and Georg Maas.

Duration: 90 min, plus four extra clips

Language: English/German sub-titles available


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What is Insight Meditation? Meditations / reflections for calm and insight in daily life

This website offers a comprehensive guided to Insight Meditation (Vipassana in the Buddhist tradition). In the meditation link, you will find written 15 guided meditations, iincluding the breath, body scan and loving kindness. You will find on the website insight meditations, essays on Insightmeditation, contact information for centres  and monasteries for practice around the world. Meditation/reflection on the heart, and from meditation to action. You will find the teachings/practices suitable for daily life. A beneficial website for beginners and experienced meditators.

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A full engagement in life requires love, wisdom and a dedication to action.

This website supports those who are active in the world – work, service, relationships, development of leadership and much more. Rather than articles, the website primarily consists of bullet points and lists for ease in use and application. You will find around such lists written in a practical down to earth way. The website includes 30 critiques of politics/business/science/medicine/capitalism from a Buddhist perspective.

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Book titles/themes of the author, schedule, links to hundreds of talks and more

Home page of this website includes photo of cover and back jacket of the 21 books written by Christopher. Themes include awakening, meditation, mindfulness, suffering, global issues, two books of poetry, wise living and a memoir of his 10 years in the East, mostly spent as a Buddhist monk. Website includes Christopher’s annual teaching schedule online and in person. There are links holding hundreds of his Dharma talks/guided meditations and transcribed teachings for reading. Photo take in Royal Thai Monastery, Bodh Gaya, India in February 2018 where Christopher gave annual teachings for 48 years.

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Find out about our 12-month online

Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC)

with CPD, a professional certification

Launched in 2011 with online mindfulness training course, the course evolved into the MTTC. The Course falls into two six-month modules. First for personal mindfulness or 12 months for personal and teacher training. Website gives a comprehensive outline of the training over a year. Around 240 have participated in the training. A new training started in October 2023. Next training will start in 2025.

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Here are blogs which explore a wide range of themes in a practical, down-to-earth manner.

Launched in 2006, this blog contains around 1100 blogs. The blogs cover a wide range of themes, often offering a Buddhist perspective. Themes include meditation, spirituality, psychology, politics, music, the arts, literature and daily life issues. The blogs are posted around twice a week. There is a fine search on the blog. Photo of Christopher taken in 1973 in Thailand.

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Similar to the blog, Christopher has more than a 1000 posts on Substack. Many writers/artists and others share knowledge and skills on their Substack page.

Substack serves as my primary email list for 7000 plus readers to see upcoming teachings. Post and blogs include upcoming retreats, online workshops, transcribed inquiry sessions, guided meditation and comments on a full range of personal, social, religious, political, artists and global issues. Texts and audio are included with some posts. People can join the mailing list for free or make a $7.00 per month donation to the support the teachings. Photo taken in 2018 in Thai Monastery, Sarnath, India - the village where the Buddha gave his first teachings. Christopher started giving teachings there around 1999.

More Resources

More Resources & Outreach

LinkedIn is the home of my for my professional profile. You will also find two Facebook pages - Christopher Titmuss Friends (3.4K followers) and Christopher Titmuss Public Figure (5.6k followers) Many Friends and followers have connections with Buddhist practices, Meditation, Mindfulness, Vipassana, Yoga, Advaita and more. There are also plenty of Friends, who give priority to outer change – social/political/enviromental/global issues. Others have a thoughtful interest in topics touched upon on the Facebook page. My Flickr account hosts over 18,200 Photos in 150 albums including Sangha worldwide, retreats, pilgrimages, nature and more.

Two audio sites are also available for teachings SoundCloud hosts over 1280 Dharma talks, inquiries and interviews. has 425 Talks  with a list of 30 themes. Teachings are freely available on both sites.

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